Competitive Advantage: Disney

There are endless companies in the business world who have developed various competitive advantages during the time they were conceived. However, I believe that there is a company which has incredible competitive advantages that individuals do not entirely realize, this company being Disney.

The Walt Disney Company is a mass media conglomerate that I greatly admire and I believe has a competitive advantage that exceeds most major businesses. My admiration for Disney comes from their approach to ensure that they are creating content that will satisfy their customer base and because of how they continually dominate the markets that they are involved in.

A Competitive Advantage that Disney has over its competitors is that Disney is one of the most well known companies in the world and it has an overwhelming amount of brand recognition. It is because Disney is known world wide that it is able to succeed and this is helped by having the most recognizable cartoon character as its own primary symbol, Mickey Mouse. Disney has the advantage of being apart of people’s childhoods ever since his debut in 1928. Disney has been an innovator of entertainment for almost an entire century and continues to push the entertainment industry to new heights.

Another major competitive advantage that Disney has is that they are able to acquire other brands that people have understandings of and improve upon them. There are many facets to Disney’s company and the average person might not be aware that Disney owns the network of ABC, the channels of ESPN and A&E, Marvel Studios, Pixar Studios and recently acquired Lucasfilm in a 4 billion dollar agreement. By acquiring these companies and putting them under the Disney blanket, they are able to improve upon the content that these companies develop by giving them extra funding and even jump starting content back up, as is the case with Lucasfilm with Disney releasing the seventh installment to Star Wars this December.

Disney is in a class of its own by developing content that is recognizable world ride and will continue to have customers flood the movie theaters, theme parks and even customers own living room to experience their content. It is because of their recognition and the quality of the content that they produce which has allowed them to thrive for almost a hundred years.

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